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Can we apply again?


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We applied for a state sponsorship to New South Wales, 2.5 years ago as my Husband's job was on the state skills shortage list and we used a registered agent for the 1st part of the process, verifying qualifications etc, which was a success. However, we decided to do the 2nd part ourselves (as we assumed it was straight forward) and were unsuccessful, as it seems the criteria changed since we applied and they asked for an IT Degree (for an IT job), yet Rick's degree is non-IT, but it was verified by the Computer Board, so it all left us very pained and confused. We have only just now managed to pay off the costs incurred to our credit card for doing this - a few grand!

Now, my husband's job is only on one state skills shortage list - Northern Territory and it states that you need to have a job before you can get the visa. Back then, his job was listed across all the states. (His job is IT Systems Manager/Support Analyst.) There currently appears to be very little IT work available in Oz that's not software based. Therefore I'm worried we have 'missed the boat' and have no real chance of this.

We are really very confused as to how to proceed. We are adamant that we wish to pursue our dream of living in Oz but the last thing we need is to cripple ourselves with more debt by using a migration agent if we are not successful again. We have 2 children aged 8 and 6 and as they are growing up fast, we want to do this asap.

The last agent we used was based in Oz, contactable by email only, and due to the time difference and delays in responses, we found it very difficult communications-wise.

If we could be pointed towards an agent who can give us honest, transparent advice and who is not one of the expensive ones, that may help!

Or, is there someone out there who knows about the current job availability of IT Support roles across NSW/Perth/Adelaide (which are our preferred areas - we lived & worked across Oz on a working visa many moons ago, so know a bit about them!) that would be really helpful.

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Hi Julie,


We are just coming to the end of our 6 year slog to get in to Oz. We used a great agent based in Cheshire called The Emigration Group, these were the second people we approached to help us with our visa as we were informed back in 2009 by an Oz agent we would not get in (like you we had very late night chats and costs incurred to send money over). Due to our age and jobs (I'm an OT and my husband is in construction) we too struggled and after advice have got a 489 regional sponsorship visa for Orana region in NSW.


I believe what we paid for our agency (£3,500 approx; initial consultation to see if we had the possibility to emigrate was £125) was money well worth spending. We will be moving this summer to Oz a dream we have had for 6 years.


Good luck, Lisa G

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