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Melbourne March 2015


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Hey guys!:wink:


I am flying out to Melbourne march 25th and staying in Base hostel in St Kilda. Was hoping to find anyone that has either stayed in the hostel or will be heading out around the same time. Ill potentially be on my own for the first few weeks so to say im bricking it is putting it mildly!!


On another note, I am a qualified operating department practitioner ( anaesthetic tech as they call it in oz) with 3 years qualified experience in emergency and trauma surgery am I able to apply for hospital jobs on a WHV? if I successfully get a job can I apply for a longer term working visa whilst in oz??


hopefully see you guys there!!

Helen :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Hey Helen,


I'm in Melbourne right now, and will be here until April/May, so if you need a hand with anything let me know! I haven't stayed at the Base in St Kilda, but I stayed at base in Brisbane and it was nice enough.


You could apply for that, but if they want you for more than 6 months they'd have to sponsor you (I'm 99% sure I'm right there..) as you a working holiday visa you can only work the same job for 6 months. If I'm wrong I'm sure somebody will correct me!

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