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Silly question


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Hi... Completely new to this.... We've got our visas, yay, and hoping to move in September. Meanwhile though, we are looking at buying some new landline phones, is there any reason why these wouldn't work in oz....?


thanks for any advice!

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Theoretically it would be illegal to use them as to connect them to the Australian network they need to have certified to Australian standards - which are not going to be any different and probably based on the same IEEE standard anyway but that's the rules. In practice we took ours and used them.

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It was a long time ago, but when we first moved here in 1996 we brought our landline cordless phone from NZ and had it confiscated by customs on arrival. We could have paid something ridiculous like $120 to have it "certified" but opted not to bother.

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We bought new when we arrived. Check out these websites to get a rough idea of costs, but remember to ask for their best price when you're in the store and you generally always get a discount.





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Can buy land line phones dirt cheap nowadays, I fact why bother at all. Get naked broadband and use your mobiles


I second that, cjmre76. Many Aussies are doing exactly that. CHeck out http://www.heraldsun.com.au/business/breaking-news/australians-ditch-the-cord-for-wi-fi/story-fnn9c0hb-1227148230003 ... Seems to make a lot of sense, especially with competitive mobile plans in the market.

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