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24 year old going it solo in Feb 2014..advice?


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Real happy to have found this forum, there's a surprising lack of in-depth info on Australia working holiday visa's beyond how to apply for one.


Anyway, I've decided that when my contract ends at work in December i'm gonna head to Australia (after 1 month in Thailand). Just looking for some advice.


Firstly, do many people go solo? And is it easy to meet people as a solo traveller in Oz? I've been to Thailand twice solo and found it very good for meeting people. What are the best places to visit in Oz?


Secondly, i'm gonna want to start regional work straight away. Has anyone got good suggestions for really good working hostels? I was thinking of going to a town called Berri (the hostel there sounds amazing). But the issue is that Berri is a 17 hour bus from Melbourne which is where I plan on flying to (although nothing is booked yet).


Thirdly, I'll have about $8500 AUD in my bank when I arrive. Is this enough to get me started? Ideally I would not like to eat into my savings to much, but i'm wondering is this a reasonable amount.


Finally and most importantly, is it worth it this whole year in Oz thing? I'm worried that takinga year or 2 off will damage my savings and my job prospects when I return home, but I have my heart set on it so I hope it is worth it.


Apologies for all the questions and thanks a mill to anyone who can even answer some of them. Cheers :)

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I came to Aus on my own and I've found it very easy to meet people and I'm quite introverted, so you shouldn't have an issue. There's a lot of people travelling on their own in the same situation that want friends too, but I've found the locals a lot easier to get to know in depth, I've made a lot of Aussie friends and not-so-many traveller friends, but that's just me.


I did my regional work as soon as I landed in a town called Gatton, about an hour and a half from Brisbane. I don't know about the towns in Victoria so I can't help you there. Although I would say it's good to get a chunk of your regional work done at the start so you aren't stressing about it come the end of your trip.


$8500 is plenty, especially if you're going to work initially and earn some money. Try not to spend what you earn while you're in the farm town, it's a waste! You'd be better off being boring for a few weeks and saving it up to spend when you're somewhere more interesting. Going out drinking every weekend in towns of 6000 people isn't exactly exciting!


And lastly, that all depends what you want to do and see. For me, the 2 years is necessary because I'm travelling very slowly and seeing more than the typical east coast route, but it all depends what it is you want to do. If you want to see it in it's entirety then I would suggest the 2 years is needed, I've been here nearly 4 months and haven't left Queensland yet, and theres still plenty more here for me to see.

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I'm in the exact same boat haha! My contract ends in Canada at the end of December and I'm travelling for a month in Thailand (Full-moon Feb 3rd) then heading to Sydney to start my WHV.


I'm not sure about starting work right away (Personally I'm going to take some time to chill) but from people I've talked to $8500 will easily be enough to start out with. As a comparable, I am starting with $6500 AUD. Cheers!

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