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Blog thing - take 2

Charlie Westover

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So, I attempted this before and had a massive issue keeping on top of it as I didn't have internet where I was staying, and my life wasn't very interesting..


BUT now I am doing something way more interesting and worth writing/reading about, so I hope you guys enjoy! I probably wont actually update all that much on here, it will more be a summary of whats on my actual blog when I post something new. But I'm more than happy to answer any questions anybody has on here, I quite like the whole interactive thing rather than people just reading it and that being it..


My blog is revotsew.com - currently there's 4 posts on there about the rough idea of what i'm doing, which is walking from Brisbane to Sydney! I'm accepting lifts from strangers that I meet, but not walking around with my thumb out hitchhiking. Not that there's anything wrong with it, it's just not for me.


It also has a little review of my time in Gatton while I was there doing some farm work, and something on Brisbane where I spent the first week of my journey!


Over the next few days I'll be updating with quite a big post about the first part of my journey and my time in Tamborine Mountain, where I've spent 2 weeks!


I hope you's enjoy, all feedback is very appreciated! Charlie

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So i've finally got round to my next update, i've had some really good responses from it so i'm now in the midst of getting a domain and such and getting it how I want it, rather than the pre-set wordpress themes!


I spent 2 weeks in Tamborine Mountain doing work for free food and accommodation, taking in the views and rainforests!


My blog posts are quite long, roughly 1000 words each, so check it out for the full thing! I'm couchsurfing on Gold Coast right now, so I'll be updating pretty soon!




Hope you's enjoy it!

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