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Moving to Launceston area, finally!


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We finally have a date set to move out of our Sunshine Coast house and statr traveling South for our next adventure.


Handing over the keys on Sept 26th, having a week camping at fingal with some friends, then up to Noosa for some Outdoor Ed qualifications while my wife runs a half marathon, then regroup and start South.


The plan is simple,

1- Arrive in tasmania bright eyed and bushy tailed.

2- Drive to Launceston and find a place to camp whilst we get sorted.

3- Find somewhere nice to live and buy a house.

4- Travel about for a few weeks exploring and surfing.

5- Find jobs.

6- Get on with our lives.




Any advice always welcome.


Cheers J

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Sounds like a great plan! I've no advice as we'll be doing something similar in a few months ourselves (albeit minus the half marathon!).


Hope it all goes well. Please keep us posted on how you get on. I have so many lists of things I need to do. Trying hard to keep calm!

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