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Some advice please!


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We initially decided to go home in April next year, but for a few different reasons we have decided to bring the move forward to November. Very excited, but also have moments when I think "Oh God, that's not very far away - I'll never get organised in time!". So, I'm after a bit of assistance to ensure all goes smoothly!


I got quotes for sending the cats home at the beginning of the year, so just need to make a decision on that and book it. We had a part container coming here and likely to have the same going, but this time I'm going to do as much packing as I can myself (partly to save money but mainly a it'll be easier to get organised). I've already started packing/purging. I've got a few days off coming up so will book to get quotes from movers - any tips on who to go with/avoid? Also, any recommendations re insurance for our contents?


I'm really after any tips from those of you who have already moved back or are in the process. Anything you're glad you did/wish you had done/almost forgot to do etc! What do I need to cancel, who do I need to contact (here and at home). I'm pretty sure I know most of it already, but am worried that with a greatly reduced time frame I'll get myself in a flap and forget something important!!


Any ideas would be most welcome!

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Oh, just wanted to add: Will be staying with my parents when we get back until we get jobs sorted.

I kept my UK bank Account and a credit card which I have used during the time we've been here


So hopefully that will make things a little easier we we arrive.

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We used Grace for our move - full 20ft container, great service and very quick (7 weeks) and we used http://www.lettonpercival.co.uk for the insurance.


I would recommend moving into a holiday rental as least a couple of weeks before you leave and you can then ensure all your final utility bills etc. are paid whilst you are still in the country.


If you have private health insurance suspend rather than cancel it, it costs nothing and protects you from additional charges should you ever return.

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Thanks Lady R. Friends have offered us their spare room for a while before we go so that will save us money on a holiday rental. We found that our things took a while to ship last time as Christmas and New Year delayed it, so wondering if the same thing will happen this time. Not a problem if it does this time a we'll be staying with my parents.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Were Letton Percival happy to cover self packed things (other than fragile stuff)?


Yes, they definitely cover self-pack - fragile stuff included I believe.

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