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My name is Emma I am going to Brisbane in August next year. My family and I are visiting this year to have a look at schools. I am 10. I am really scared about moving because I know I am going to miss my friends dreadfully. My mum says I will make friends easily,but, I'm not so sure:wideeyed:.








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Hello Emma. My daughters are 8 and 9 and I know that they are worried about moving too even though they will have each other! I think it's natural to be nervous but you know, I bet you find that you will make lots of friends when you start school. The other kids will want to hear about England and how different it is and you will have a lot of experiences that they may not have. Nowadays it's very easy to keep in contact with friends; you have SKYPE, email and even letters and postcards so that you can keep in touch.


What sort of hobbies do you have? Are you sporty or more in to baking and reading? I think you will find that there will be something for you to slot in to. I will see if either of my daughters are interested in talking to you.

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