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457 documents - job reference

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Hi all,


I am trying to gather all my docs ready to submit my 457 application.

One thing I need is a reference from my previous employer, however when I left the business closed down a couple of weeks later. I've tried contacting my old boss but am not having much luck. Is there any way round this?


Also I have run my own business since June 2013, so I'm guessing for that I can just do my own reference on my own company headed paper?


Any help will be hugely appreciated.


Thanks :-)

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Hi - I'd worked as an independent contractor prior to moving over on a 457 visa and wrote my own resignation letter and reference.


Regards your previous employer, you get away with just attaching a note to the application to say that the company closed down, I got the impression that with the 457 visa (and my subsequent 820 partner visa) application that they are looking for an overall weight of evidence. Very few questions will be show stoppers in themselves if you can't answer them completely.

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