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Sydney August?


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We're aiming to arrive the beginning of August - anyone else on PIO hitting Sydney around then?


We are both 32. I work in the Web Design industry and my OH is an occupational therapist. Neither of us have jobs sorted yet do very interesting times!


Be cool to meet some fellow PIOs when were there on our lonesome. :)

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Hi Fortytwo,


We also arrive in Sydney in August - Think we get there on the 31st.


I'm 35 and also work in the Web / Digital world but mainly on the project and programme management side of things nowadays. The wife is 33 and a makeup artist but is originally from Sydney.


Pretty much in the same boat as you two, neither have a job lined up as of yet but that's half of the adventure.


We're looking to start out in Paddington / Woollahra / North Bondi and see what happens in the first 6 to 10 months.


I heard the digital market was pretty hot in Sydney at the moment and would continue to grow over the next couple, exciting times!!

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I am an art director/designer and head up a small team and we specialise in ecommerce for luxury brands. Not quite sure where I'll end up in Sydney right now though but yes the market does seem good right now.


We spent six months in Sydney back in 2008 and lived in Manly and Crows Nest.


This time around we are thinking possibly going back to Crows Nest area or maybe out Coogee-Maroubrah way.


We're winging it and yes it's pretty exciting stuff.


Keep me posted on how you get on. Always up for a beer!

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