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Advice For Building In Perth FROM A POMMY!!


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Hi Guys,


I thought I'd start a thread and offer up help for anyone looking into building in Perth, Where to start, Benefits of building over buying established etc.


I do work for a building company and yes I sell home and land packages, however this is not a sales pitch....Ive realised I can bridge the gap for many Poms new to the idea of building and explain the benefits of building, realistic time frames etc and what to be aware of.


Before I decided to take this particular role, I did my homework and went out to the display villages to see what I was potentially getting into! MY GOD....I felt like i couldn't get any genuine advise and if i did want to sit down and ask questions then I was expected to give all my details and even asked for a $2k deposit before anything will be discussed!!

Despite all this I actually decided to take the job and have realised that my strength in all of this is that I GENUINELY want to help people understand the process and work WITH them rather than just looking for the 'HOT LEADS' who will hand over their money for me to decide whats best for them!

I've been in the role now for about 4 months and have already helped lots of people start to build their first / dream home. I'm more than happy to speak to people who are wondering how to start the whole process. I know us Poms tend to buy established and renovate because thats what we do in the UK, however theres many benefits to building over buying established here in Perth!


If you want help, please feel free to contact me through here, or you can email me on laura99dean@yahoo.co.uk. I have purposefully not given my work details as our initial chats can be off the record if you wish!


Thanks for reading guys and I look forward to helping anyone with their questions.


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