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BI Job Market Advice - Australia


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I'm currently looking to relocate my family to Australia and originally wanted to focus on Perth. However the job market does not seem too great for my skillset.


My background is predominately Business Intelligence I.T based - encompassing reporting, testing and developing. This has given me experience in SAS, SQL, SSIS and Business Objects.


I'd really appreciate some advice concerning which cities my skills would be in demand in Australia and what the current job market is like ? I've trawled through the internet but cannot find anything recent to advise.


Many thanks in advance.

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There is definitely a market for BI in Australia.


It is difficult to advise on the city - traditionally Sydney has had the majority of commercial IT opportunities (there is a lot in Canberra but public sector and for most you have to be a citizen) but Perth goes through cycles (primarily related to the resources industry) and it's not that long ago I was recruiting in Perth and had applicants from Sydney and Melbourne - a lot were migrants struggling to get work there.


Overall I'd say typically Sydney then Melbourne then Perth for IT but if you can hit Perth at the right time then the demand for good IT people far outstrips supply (to the extent when I recruited someone who actually was from Perth the IT Director questioned whether they were any good!)


Might be worth you checking out this company http://www.solutions.nttdata.com

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That's great, at least there's some hope for me then.


Thanks again, really useful advice.


Hi Ohwawa,


The job market matters but what matters more is what you bring to the table. If you have 3+ years of solid experience, meaning being able to clear a technical screening, I don't think you should have any trouble. I am a BI Architect and it took me two weeks to find a job, the first job I applied to. I was offered $160k by a firm in Sydney (sorry I cannot divulge which firm at this stage)


But I just want to give you a glimpse of the market. I don't know if I just got lucky but isn't success about being at the right place at the right time.


Happy hunting and wish you all the best :)

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Good BI people are in demand here and the UK, some BA skills would be useful as well. You've got a broad base there. With a couple of months to go, may be worth changing your Linked in profile to Perth - then the jobs tab will start populating with similar job titles to your skills set. I notice that IBM have hooks into a lot of outsourcing contracts here, so getting some Cognos skills would probably be useful (conversion skills wouldn't be too hard with your BO background). The Telco I work for offshores a lot of the BI however which is probably the most concerning IT trend in Oz.


Be careful with the seek ads when you arrive, a lot of the ads are fishing and the agency doesn't have any special relationship with the firm recruiting (who may well be recruiting the role themselves and be seeking to save commission). Bare that in mind when you are asked to go to a meeting - make them Skype you if they are serious :)

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