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PR Medical


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Hi All,


Me and my wife are currently applying for our PR. We have both been informed that the next stage of our PR is a medical. I saw a copy of the medical form and the questions that we will be asked. Now I'm starting to worry that I might not pass the medical and all the money that we have spent on the visa application may of been a waste. I know people cant be specific but if somebody could shed a light if any of my medical problems below would effect my medical.


My PMH: I had left sided knee pain in 2002 which resolved with no issues, I was diagnosed with a bulging disc after back pain in 2006, which resolved and I have never been treated for it since 2006. In 2009 i had migraines, a tremor which came back as stress related (just finished uni, couldn't get a job at the time). Again this resolved back then and I have not required any meds. And I had some stomach issues in the last two years where bloods were done and came back negative, and I have not required any further investigations and this has now also resolved (eating rubbish food was the cause). I am currently awaiting for an inguinal hernia repair.


All of the conditions above have now resolved apart from the hernia which is due to be repaired soon (and I am not on any meds for anything). I am very active and continue to play a lot of sport.


Another question my medical will be done in Singapore as this is where I currently live, when I disclose all of the above will the Dr contact my GP back in the UK so that they can send them my PMH? If yes, should it be worth that I get my GP to send me my PMH to me to save us time?


Any information, help would be gratefully appreciated.



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