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JFK 50 Years since...and a new aussie theory.

Guest Guest66881

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Guest Guest66881

Colin McLaren was a detective for 18 years, an undercover operative who infiltrated the Australian mafia and putting 11 mafia bosses behind bars.

Mr McLaren has been spending his retirement setting up the first cold case study into the killing the 35th president of the US, John F. Kennedy.

His investigation was made possible by an act of the Clinton administration, establishing the Assassination Records Review Board in 1992 which released all documents related to JFK's shooting.

According to Mr McLaren JFK's death may have been a tragic accident, rather than an assassination.

The former detective claims Lee Harvey Oswald was simply a "jealous and immature fool".

"Oswald wanted to be noteworthy and wanted to be known for something important. Oswald's wife admired Kennedy and his good looks, and admired Jacquie and her chic appearance," Mr McLaren said.

"Somehow Oswald took issue with all of this and became more and more jealous of it."

According to Mr McLaren's book and documentary JFK The Smoking Gun, he believes JFK's own praetorian guard accidentally pulled the trigger that killed the popular president.




Personally i find this one very believable, the fact that the CIA covered everything after the shooting, including removing the body before autopsy.

I watched the tv show very compelling.

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