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Where to start with selling etc


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My husband has been out of work a few months now. He's a sussessful chartered accountant with a great cv. Anyway, after many interviews he's been unable to secure a job. The feedback he's been getting is very positive, but he's just unlucky each time. Our savings are going down and down...


We'll give it a coupe more weeks before we make the final desision but we are starting to put a few things on Gumtree already.


The purpose of my post it to try and get a clear understanding of where to start with packing etc. we have 2 children, (one a bsby) so need the beds up until the last minute. The plan is to advertise items on Gumtree but state 'not available until x date' Does this work? We'll be selling all the furniture but getting the shippers in to pack our other items into boxes and ship back. We'll aim to stay in a hotel for 2 nights only before we depart (and also to give us time to get the cleaners in here)


My head is filled with manic though!

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You definitely can advertise items on Gumtree with 'available from' - we probably started advertising stuff about a month beforehand - starting with the things we could live without and planning just to sleep on the mattress we advertised the bed, after chatting to the buyer she was perfectly happy for us to keep it until the day we moved out - it was for her spare room anyway. We were keeping the furniture that would fit in our house in the UK - a small 3-bed semi so basically we still had enough to live with - it might be harder if you are selling everything but accept some things will have to be given/thrown away and you can live with those basics for the last week or two. Try to move out on a Monday/Tuesday and have a garage sale on the Saturday/Sunday to get rid of the final things. Sell your sofa for a good price and then sell the camping chairs you've been using instead at the garage sale - that's the kind of approach we took.


Two nights in a hotel seems a stressful approach but I guess with dwindling funds it's hard - we spent 4 weeks in a holiday rental and that was perfect, we were able to finalise all our bills from the house, sell the final things and then we were only back 3 weeks when our container arrived.

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