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Posts posted by Del

  1. Nemesis, thanks for your response, I’m finding the exact same thing as you re professional advice and my thoughts are to go with my plan and cash out my super and transfer it as savings before leaving.

    Its a very confusing issue especially around split year tax self assessment.

    Do you mind if I ask when you returned and if you had to complete a split year tax assessment.

    Thanks to everyone for your advice, this is certainly a hot topic.

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  2. Hi Ken, I don’t own a property in the UK, I would be staying with a relative for a couple of months when I arrive before buying.  

    I would also be living off my savings so no actual income as far as the tax office is concerned apart from interest on savings, which wouldn’t come anywhere near the $10,000 the tax office says is the figure to go by to do a self assessment return.

    So, I’m hoping my cashed out Australian  Superannuation doesn’t need to be included in a self assessment return as I won’t be a UK resident when I cash it in.

    What are your thoughts?


  3. Hi, I’m 62 and plan on closing my QSuper account and taking the whole amount as a lump sum while still in Australia and then a couple of months later retiring to the UK.

    My question is will I be taxed on the cash lump sum when I arrive in the UK or is it classed as savings from my Australian bank account into a UK bank account?

    Thanks for your help.

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