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Posts posted by Jules13OJ

  1. Thanks for suggestions! 

    My reading of it was that I would be taxed by BOTH UK and Australia and am wanting to know how I can claim back the tax paid as per the double taxation treaty. (not sure whether it will be UK/Australia who pay it back)

    I am currently classed as UK resident for tax purposes as I have always lived/worked in UK and did so up until Jan this year which puts me in the UK bracket for tax residency as between April 23 and April 24 I will have spent more than 183 days there. The form on HMRC site as above has a section where you can request split tax arrangements which I guess is what I am hoping for- so that my income April 23- Jan15th is taxed by UK only but then tax thereafter is taxed by Australia only. 

    None of this is ever straightforward! 


  2. Hope someone can point me in the right direction...

    Am from UK on a temporary 482 visa. Started work in WA 15 Jan 24. Completed the P85 and sent to HMRC.

    Have just heard from HMRC saying they will tax my non-UK income (ie my Australian income)

    Aware of the tax treaty between UK and Australia so I know I won't pay tax twice but how do I go about claiming the tax back from HMRC as I will have already paid it in Australia? I have found a form on HMRC site- DT Application for relief at source from UK Income Taxand claim for repayment of UK Income Tax. Should I be completing this or will this naturally right itself when I complete my Australian tax return later in the year? The form seems very 'clunky' in that it has to be sent to ATO who then post it to HMRC ( hasn't HMRC heard of digital communication??)

    Assuming next UK tax year it won't apply as I won't be a UK tax resident at all? How will HMRC know this?

    Grateful for any pointers! Thanks all.


  3. New to this forum so sorry if this has been asked before but chasing round in circles trying to understand...

    Have just started a new job in WA-16th Jan 2024- on a 482 skills shortage temporary visa. Contract is 4 years.  I was a teacher in UK until December 31st 2023. I claimed my Teachers Pension in January this year and it will now be paid monthly going forward. I have always worked in UK. I am trying to understand how the tax works. I have done the Australian online ' test' which makes me  an Australian resident for tax purposes but it also makes me a temporary worker because of my visa ( and therefore as I understand it, Australia will not try to tax my UK pension) Having looked at HMRC site though, it also seems to make me a UK resident for tax purposes becuase I spent 183 days+ in UK between April 2023 and now. Can I be a tax resident in both? Aware of the reciprocal tax agreement but no idea how it works- are there forms?

    I have also read about split tax and looked at the case studies. I would fulfil the critera for case study 1. However, when I read about applying for split tax status it says you have to do this through self assessment. I have never done self assessment as I have always been employed. Do I have to apply? I spoke briefly with a tax advisor in UK before leaving and he just said 'your UK income will be taxed in UK and your Australia income will be taxed in Australia'   Is it as simple as that?

    I have also been told I should submit a P85 to claim an income tax rebate although not sure if that applies to me as I will pay tax on my UK pension- I think??

    Really not sure whether I should be doing anything or not and too much Googling is making me even more confused!

    If anyone has been in a similar position, or has advice to offer, I would be very appreciative! Thank you

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