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Posts posted by ChrisAC

  1. Apologies for the potentially slightly negative reply.

    Personally I would come to Bristol and accept renting for 6-12 months before making any decisions. I live in Bristol and rent is fairly expensive but so are mortgages at the moment. Mortgage rates are likely to drop over the next 12-24 months and hopefully house prices will stay fairly flat.

    There's also a chance that you will not like it here! My Mum made the trip back to Bristol after being in Aus for 12 years and left Bristol after 6 months. She was shocked how dirty it has become, the levels of homelessness and how there's so many empty shops. I live in an area that is considered to be fairly desirable and it's a bit of a dump! It has definitely got worse over the last few years.

    Saying that the people are great and there is a good food and drink scene. It also has good access to the countryside and has a lot of history.


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  2. Thanks a lot both for your answers.

    It seems that a Resident Return Visa would be necessary to extend after the 5 years, I have checked the requirements and it seems she would have to be resident in Australia for at least 2 of the 5 years in order to get the full 5 year extension.

    The other potential option we may have would be a 12 month visitor visa (600), either the tourist stream or sponsored family stream.  I understand she would not be able to work but it would be a lot cheaper and only take a few days. Does anyone have any experience of using this visa? It's just it says she must be a 'genuine visitor'. Would she be a genuine visitor if we were visiting with the view to moving there permanently one day? 

    Thanks again to anyone that can help


  3. Good evening all,

    I'm hoping to get a little bit of advice regarding the partner visas.

    I am a dual Brit/Aus citizen and I am hoping to bring my wife and child over to Australia in a few years time. My wife and I have been together for around 8 years, lived together for 7 years and married for over 2 years, we have a son who is nearly 1. 

    Because we have time I expect we'll do an offshore application (309/100) rather than risking an onshore application, it is my understanding that once the visa is granted, we then have 1 year to travel to Australia to activate the visa, but then can travel freely from Australia for 5 years. 

    I am just wondering whether you are required to remain a resident in Australia a certain amount of time in the 5 years? Our plan would be to initially come over for 1-2 years, and then maybe return home for a similar amount of time before making a decision whether to make the big move or not.

    Would this be possible? Or will we need to commit our lives to Australia on this visa? Are there any other visa options that could work?

    Also, regarding the partner visa, is it correct that sometimes a permanent visa is issued right away? Rather than after 2 years? If she was on a temporary visa, would this potentially affect our plans to return home during the 5 years?

    Thanks in advance



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