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Posts posted by g_CS_teacher

  1. 2 hours ago, LFrance said:


    how are you getting on with this? Have you had to apply for a skills assessment with AITSL? I’m seeing on immi website that 482 requires skills assessment - not seen this before. Perhaps it’s new. 

    would love to hear how it’s all progressing. 


    Not all skilled worker positions require a skills assessment. Most do not and only the ones given in the link below do:




    does this help?


    I have since found an employer that is willing to sponsor me and I therefore do not require a skills assessment. 

    • Congratulations 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, LFrance said:

    Do you think it is worth just applying for jobs then in Australia in the hope a school will sponsor? 

    Yes - I would recommend speaking to an agency to help. Teachers are in high demand, but it of course depends on the subject. Mine is especially in high demand, plus I have taught in some very good UK schools which helped. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 minute ago, LFrance said:

    I have just read the same and I have also found an article online saying that PR can be achieved for all subclass 482 visas. 

    https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=f0bf8add-87b7-41f3-8253-d7e8eae1724b#:~:text=Blog The Mobile Workforce&text=Australia's Department of Home Affairs,by the end of 2023.

    Did the school offer sponsorship or did you have to request it… did they know prior to interview etc?

    Absolutely. The school recruited based upon my experience and skillset, not what the state were able to accredit me to. They attempted to recruit locally first. That failed due to lack of teachers of the subject, so they had grounds to recruit from abroad. 

    From what I’ve read, I can obtain PR on 482 if I remain with the same employer for 3 years. 

  4. 1 minute ago, LFrance said:


    unfortunately I am not able to assist with your query but I am interested regarding your situation and wondered if you could answer a couple of questions for me?

    1 - did you apply for the job without being registered with the teacher board first? 
    2 - were the employer aware of your skills potentially not meeting the criteria for provisional registration when offering the post? Was the offer made subject to this condition being met?

    3 - is the school in a regional area?

    I am looking to migrate myself and wonder if a sponsored route is best.  

    thank you for any info you can provide. 


    Thanks for your reply. I actually now thing I might have the answer to point 1. 482 dies not require a skills assessment. 

    It would still be helpful to understand more about point 2 for if I later wanted PR. The school in in NSW and are aware. They don’t seem to think it is an issue, being an independent school. 


  5. Hi all,

    With the Visa 189 pathway, if a teacher applicant has a skills test, 65+ points and meets the requirements for this visa, are you almost guaranteed the visa? Or do you still need to be invited by a state only if your subject is needed?

    I just don’t want to go through the process if I meet the conditions only to later find that I am waiting to be invited to immigrate if I am needed



  6. On 17/01/2023 at 12:35, benj1980 said:

    Guess what. I came over as a High School teacher after going through the SCITT pathway. To suggest AITSL simply rejects them is inaccurate, unless AITSL changed their policy after I was successful. When I completed my application there were others in the same position as me and they all managed to get their visas as well. @Rob Frain I'd suggest your qualification would be accepted by the registration bodies in different states.

    WA are currently offering sponsorship - exciting times.

    Sorry to raise this again. I am in similar position and wondered what documentation you submitted to AITSL as evidence which they accepted? Thanks so much!

  7. Hi all,

    I am a School Direct SCITT trained teacher with 8 years experience in the UK. I am relocating to Sydney in December. 

    While my training university does not provide a transcript and certificate, they have written two letter. One titles “transcript” and details of the course and another explaining the course, my pass and 120 days supervised teaching. Does anybody know whether this might be accepted by AITSL without a formal certificate?


    Many thanks. 

  8. 19 minutes ago, benj1980 said:

    I told the university registrar what I required and they created it for me. It wasn't autogenerated, that's why I say I was fortunate. AITSL accepted my letter confirming teaching days, transcript and PGCE certificate.

    Ah I see. That’s very helpful of them. I’ve just requested a transcript for myself. Even with a transcript and confirmation of supervised days, I fear that the School Direct without PGCE route like I did might not be accepted. 

    Thanks again!

  9. 7 minutes ago, benj1980 said:

    There seems to be more teachers looking to make the move!

    From what you have described no AITSL will not accept this. They request an academic transcript from the university. I am in the minority where my SCITT partnering university agreed to create a transcript for me detailing the units completed for my PGCE. I am not sure if you require AITSL for the 482 visa (I don't think you do) however they wouldn't be requested by state education registration to intervene in any way. AITSL is utilised for initial visa applications.

    I'm in WA and TRBWA would accept SCITTs. 'The Department does not recognise the Qualified Teaching Status (QTS) certification where it is not held in conjunction with a suitable Initial Teacher Education qualification, awarded by a recognised university.' I believe they mean the old GTP route, SCITTs have a recognised university as a partner...

    That’s super useful, thank you.

    Just out of interest, did you request the transcript to be created or was it automatically generated and sent to you. Also, did you get accepted by AITSL skills test with SCITT and a transcript only?


    Thank you!

  10. Hi all,

    After some advice.

    I am a secondary school teacher of 7 years in the UK teaching Computer Science. I have recently been offered a job teaching at an independent school in NSW. They have offered to sponsor me.

    My route into teaching was a School Direct (SCITT) route, not a PGCE. It is equal to the PGCE in the UK, yet NESA have only granted me Conditional Accreditation as they do not recognise this qualification. They have still suggested that if I am sponsored, I can still teach for 6 years in NSW without further training.

    Two questions:

    1. Will I need an AITSL skills test to apply and be accepted for Visa 482 pathway, considering only being granted Conditional Accreditation?

    2. How likely will I be accepted onto AITSL skills test with my qualification? I did not receive a transcript, yet the university did write and sign a letter confirming the below:

    This was a salaried, school-based route. The course is run by a partnership between a lead school, other schools and an accredited teacher training provider (in this case, #university name#).

    #name# teaching practice was supervised by a member of the University's Faculty of Education and onsite mentor teachers.

    #name# completed the required 120 days on placement in supervised teaching practice, teaching pupils in Primary and Secondary school settings at the following schools:…

    Any experiences or insight would be hugely helpful!

    Thank you 😄

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