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Posts posted by Kheydz

  1. 30 minutes ago, ToniStrk said:

    Hi @Kheydz how did you go with the whole process? Did you have to sit the AIMS exam in the end?

    My wife will be undergoing this process soon, she working as a Medical Scientist in the NHS and she has her HCPC registration and she has recently completed her portfolio, so in a similar situation to you.

    Just wanted to follow up and find out if anyone came across an easier pathway to work as a BMS in Australia, coming from the UK. Thank you :) 

    Hi @ToniStrk, I managed to submit everything in April and they first got back to me in July asking to resend my photo as the file was corrupted. They actually just got back to me this Friday gone saying ‘Your assessment has returned from the Committee and you have been assessed as eligible to sit the AIMS Professional Examination.’. So all in all it took them about 8 months from when I first submitted the application. 

    I guess this means I’ve passed as an MLT until I sit the exam to be an MLS. The next exam is in March but I’m considering whether I should even do it as I’ve seen some jobs posted and not have aims accreditation as a requirement. 

    To answer your question though, yes they still want me to sit an exam. I have 3 years to do so. 

    Let me know if there was anything else I can help with.


  2. 37 minutes ago, Ceebs-x said:

    Are you HCPC registered or is your degree just IBMS recognised? You might be asked to do top up modules to include areas they think you are lacking in. I had to send module descriptors, my uni transcripts and a letter from my employer stating what my job role includes. I know a couple of people at my work have had issues getting their qualifications recognised, that’s two in total. I was the third. 

    I will be HCPC registered probably by the end of this month (just waiting to be verified). I just completed my portfolio and didn’t have to do any top up modules since my degree is IBMS accredited. So hopefully when I send my application I will be HCPC register and my degree is accredited. I work in a histology lab in the NHS and have done for over 2 years. I can get the letter from my employer done and will request my transcript from my university. What are module descriptors? Also are you saying that even after you did all that you were still asked to do top up modules? 

  3. Hi Ceebs, 

    Thank you for sharing your experience! I’ve been reading all your post as I find myself in a similar position to yourself a few months back. I am a biomedical scientist in the uk and am looking to send my AIMS application through. The thing I’m worried about is whether just a biomedical science degree will do? I didn’t do modules that were just specific to chemistry or statistics and I’m not sure I did a module on anatomy. Since you’ve already done this part of the application I was hoping you could tell me what qualifications you sent before being offered the exam. Thank you so much in advance! 

    P.S- My degree is also accredited.

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