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Posts posted by Reindeer3579

  1. 43 minutes ago, MSingh1 said:

    I think it’s better to continue in the same council because things might be in motion and changing tracks might cause delays. 

    The backlog is very high. Waiting time is uselessly stressful. My PR and passport are expiring soon. 
    it is going to restrict my travel and also can’t get jobs which require nv1/2/baseline clearance  

    They should do 4 ceremonies same day with minimum 100 people each.  or book a school and do 400-500 people once every month. 

    You are right. I will keep waiting. Thanks!

  2. 16 hours ago, MSingh1 said:

    No responses here, anyone sent a DM ?

    How long have you been waiting?

    approval letter says that we will be informed 4 weeks before ceremony date. 
    so I estimated approval date + 5 weeks at least. 

    Additional guesstimate:

    there are 561 approved candidates, waiting for ceremony as of 28 feb 2023.  

    ceremony schedule for ku ring gai :

    22 April (not expecting if approved on or after 29 feb). 
    17 May, 28 June, 19 July, 23 August, 20 September, 25 October, 22 November  

    if they do 150/month (don’t know if it’s 100 or 150) then won’t be getting anything till 28 June, so I am hoping for 19 July or 23 Aug. kuring gai is one of the slowest *cough* (laziest) council when it comes to ceremonies  

    It will be easier to guess if someone can tell how many people are invited to each ceremony.


    don’t know why they do just once per month. Should do twice every month if not weekly. 



    Thank you for your reply mate. My current council is acatually Ryde City which host even less ceremonies each year than Ku-ring-gai. That's why I was thinking whether it is worthwhile to change my address to my friend's place.Then I guess it's better to stick to my current council.

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