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Posts posted by moonchild93

  1. Hi everyone, I’m currently being investigated for my second year WHV. I did all of my farm work in 2017, and left to return to the U.K. in early 2018. I kept all my work contracts, payslips, etc. so I could use them as evidence when the time came for me applying for my second year. I applied in January (this year) and was sent an email in early March asking for further evidence in the form of a payslip I was missing, and bank statements from the period I worked for that employer. 

    The issue of the missing payslip is a different beast altogether (I did a separate post about that if you’d like to have a read), and I think I managed to get around it as I contacted the farmer in a panic and he provided me with an alternative document to submit instead of the payslip I had misplaced over the years. However, there’s no getting around the lack of bank statement.

    I closed my CommBank account as soon as I left Aus in 2018 (because of the fees an empty/inactive account can incur). I have absolutely no way of getting a bank statement from this period without phoning up CommBank- which I’ve attempted to do, and can never get through to someone. I work Monday to Friday 9-5, so it’s not ideal for me to be on hold for hours when I should be asleep in the early hours. Obviously if there’s no other way, I’ll continue to try. Can CommBank even provide me with a statement since my account has been closed for over four years though?

    I was paid in cash by my employer (it was all legit and taxed, and the payslips confirm this). So I never thought to obtain bank statements before I left Aus.

    I’m really looking for some clear answers as to how important the bank statement is when I’ve provided over forty other pieces of evidence, in the form of contracts, payslips, signing off days sheets, etc (I worked on four different farms so have a good bit of evidence per farm- it’s just this one farm in particular I’m being questioned over). Is it likely they will decline my visa based on this missing bank statement? Or do you think since I’ve provided an alternative to the missing payslip, they will accept that alone? 

  2. Hi everyone, first post on here, hope I've done it right lol. I did my first year WHV in Aus between 2017-2018, and did the 88 days of farm work. I finallyyyyyy (thanks COVID) applied for my second year in January- uploaded everything I'd kept from my regional employment across four different farms, including payslips, contracts, days sign-off sheet etc. I was feeling pretty pleased with myself for managing to keep hold of all the evidence I'd need, for five whole years. AND THEN! I got a request for further evidence from the immi department last week. They wanted more evidence from one particular farm I worked on- they specifically asked for ALL payslips whilst I worked on that farm, and bank statements too (I think this is because none of my payslips detailed how I was paid- which was in cash). I had a meltdown as I was thinking I physically couldn't provide them with any more payslips, I had submitted everything I had. 

    I emailed the farmer (who was always lovely, and I'm so glad I got his email address when I left that farm) and asked for advice. I attached the payslips I had submitted to immi. He got back to me really quickly and said I was missing a payslip. I've searched high and low, but cannot find this rogue payslip anywhere. I'm annoyed with myself for losing it, when I was so careful to keep hold of every piece of evidence. The farmer instead sent me his hours and wages record sheet for the duration of my employment- which includes everything that would be on that missing payslip, including my hours worked, wages, tax deductions, and more (such as how I was paid- in cash). At my request, he has also sent over a document that includes all the details of my missing payslip, and a short document explaining how I was paid (cash) and confirming my employment (even though the days sign-off sheet does this, it's nice to have extra evidence). I have also put together a short document explaining I've lost the payslip but hoping the evidence provided by the farmer will suffice, and also explaining that I haven't provided bank statements as requested because I was paid in cash so none of the transactions would bear relation to my employment by this farmer, and I've since closed the account after leaving Australia in 2018 to avoid incurring monthly fees for not depositing any money, so it wouldn't be possible to get a bank statement anyway unless I phoned Commonwealth and asked them to dig up an old bank statement from my closed account (which I'm happy to do if immi wants me to). 

    Do you guys think this will be enough evidence? I know the rational part of my brain is saying yes- but I'm just hung up on whether immi will want that original payslip. I'm hoping they accept the alternative evidence provided by the farmer. I've waited so long to back to Aus, I'd be so devastated if they declined my visa application based on that one discrepancy (which, like I said, has been replaced with what I hope is a perfectly acceptable piece of evidence anyway). 

    How long do you think it will be until they finalise (accept or decline) my visa? I lodged it on the 20.01.22 and they got back to me on the 03.03.22 asking for more evidence, which I submitted on Tuesday 08.03.22. 

    Sorry for the essay and thanks for the help/diolch i'r help! :)

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