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Posts posted by Adam89harris

  1. So we know it's a 190 state sponsor visa and its in the area we want. We are in the process of getting everything for the skills assessment together I. E.  English test IELTS. 


    Also found out my wife needs a new passport. 


    I have read up on how valuable mara agents are but is it nieve to think we can do this ourselfs? I would say we are driven and switched on with being organised... 


    Any help welcomed, 



    Adz & laney


  2. Hi everyone, 


    Thank you for your time for our question. I wonder if giving more accurate details would help us more so. 


    We are looking to rent our house for at least a year of being away until we are established somewhere.. Has anyone done this? 


    Also has anyone done this without an agent? We are doing the skills assessment as we speak and we are doing it by our self's. Looking to gain a 190 state sponsored visa. 


    Any tips are most welcomed. 



    Adz & Laney

  3. Hi

    Married couple 2 children under 5 looking to emigrate to Australia desired destination are Perth, Melbourne and Brisbane. Myself has degree in child and youth studies currently working youth charity based around employability. My partner is in the telecoms industry has various higher national certificate. Wondering if anyone could help with point us in the right direction for the best visa to apply for.

    Also, is it worth doing the application by yourself or paying an emigration officer to do it. 


    Many thanks

    Adam and Elaine 


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