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Posts posted by MonkeyPockets

  1. Thank you both for your replies. I was hoping that considering the amount of money it cost to apply for the visa I'd at least get some sort of badge to wear.

    This may be a question for another post but in regards to this 309 visa what are the requirements to actually live in Australia so it doesn't expire. In my case, I am traveling over in April for a 4-week trip this year to activate it and then coming back to the UK. My partner (who is an Australian citizen and my sponsor) and I do plan on living in Australia at some point in the future but is there a time limit for us to do this? Will the visa expire if this doesn't happen in the next 2, 5, 20 years? 


  2. Hello,

    I have been granted my Partner (Provisional) visa subclass 309 and will be traveling to Australia in April this year (2022) which is within the required timeframe to activate the visa. Do I need to do anything before traveling in regards to this visa e.g. submit the visa ref to someone, print it out to show at Australian passport control, get it printed on a t-shirt and wear it whilst traveling 🙂 ?

    I have searched all over and there is nothing to suggest that I have to do any of this but I thought I would ask here as many of you would have gone through this process.

    Thanks in advance.

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