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Posts posted by Maddyowen

  1. I’m so sorry! After readying all the reply’s  I went into a panic and went through all my paper work.
    I couldn’t remember getting a Resident return visa but couldn’t believe they would of let us back in.

    After finally logging onto my Immi account I found  a resident return visa. It expired July 2022 but I did get one, so I’m sorry for the miss information. 

    I just wanted to double check that my dad has to live in Australia for a minimum of two years before he can apply for his citizenship?


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  2. Hi,

    just wondered if anyone might be able to help?

    My Dad has a 143 parent visa which was granted in April 2018 and he flew over in August 2018 to validate it.

    He finally made the permanent move over in December 2021 and has been living here for a year. 

    His Mother became ill and he flew back in November to visit.  On the way back through the security said that his visa runs out in 2023.

    I was under the impression that once it’s been validated he becomes a permanent resident  and could come and go as he pleased and that was it?

    My husband and I have lived in Australia for 11 years and even though we have only been back to the UK once in 2017.  We cane through security with no problem on out  British passport and never had an issue getting back into Australia.

    Am I correct in thinking that my Dad will have to apply for another visa if he needs to back to the UK again to come back to Australia.

    Hope some can help?

  3. Hi,

    thanks for the reply. I just rang the ATO and explained the situation. She wasn’t overly confident with her answers but said that if my Dad doesn’t work then he will not have to do a tax return and therefore doesn’t need a tax file number. However if he does want to work then he would have to do a tax return. 

    I'm confused ???

  4. Hi,

    my Dad has just moved over on a parent contribution visa 143.

    He would love to work a couple of days a week but is concerned about being taxed heavily.  He claims two pensions both from the UK, state and a work pension.

    Does anyone know if he can work a certain amount of hours and not get taxed or if it just not worth doing? 


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