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Posts posted by GreenwichMeantime

  1. Thanks so much everyone! This place really is a fountain of knowledge!

    I'm not at retirement age yet (I'm 51) so still a few years to go. I'm an Australian Citizen since 2016 so I was hoping I might qualify for the pension, even if I'm out of the country when I reach pension age, but I'll look into that just to be sure. You never know, I may be back again by then!

    From what I understand, I can't transfer my super into a UK pension, so that will have to stay here until I reach pension age. I'll speak to my super fund nearer the time. 

    I have another question! 

    We own our 2017 Hyundai I30 outright and are thinking of shipping it to the UK but we're unsure if the costs plus the import tax we'll no doubt be slugged with making shipping a car worthwhile. Any thoughts? 

  2. Hi there!

    We've decided to take the plunge and move back to the UK. 

    I've started researching what it's going to entail, hoping to make it as painless a process as possible, but I have to say, it all seems very daunting so far!

    Does anyone know if the savings we've accumulated here will be subject to tax in the UK even though we've already paid tax on them in Australia?

    Speaking of tax, I've seen it suggested that it's a good idea to time our arrival in line with the start of the UK tax year - or as close to it as possible. Any thoughts?

    I'm also seeing that it's a good idea to hire a financial adviser to ensure there are no costly tax surprises at either end. I'm happy to do this if needed, but we don't own any property in Australia, so I'm hoping this keeps things nice and simple, meaning no need for financial advice. 

    Do you think financial advice is a must in this situation and, if so, can anyone recommend a good adviser?

    Thanks so much in advance for any wisdom you can share :)

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