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Plumber B

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Posts posted by Plumber B

  1. It is practically impossible to have your Uk qualifications accepted in Australia. 

    vetasses and Co give you an off shore skills record which is only good for a visa. 

    when you arrive you will find it very hard to ever get qualified as a plumber. 

    the skills record gets you a temporary work permit that lasts for 3 years. 

    the only trusted college is Tafe and they won’t want to know you unless you want to undertake an apprenticeship. 

    the qualification system is mostly set up by private companies that are only interested in taking your money and stringing you along. 

    if you manage to Get work for 2 years and can show evidence you can pay another 3k and do a similar assessment as vetassess and gain a permanent work permit. 

    after this if you want to work for yourself you will need to go to college for another 2 years to gain the license. 

    the system is set up to keep immigrants working for Australian born citizens. 

    it would be easier to apply for a student visa and come over as an apprentice. 

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