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Posts posted by garyandkatie

  1. Hi Ali, thanks for your reply. 

    We hope to head to Perth, subject to a suitable job offer for myself (which is a whole other discussion).

    That was our understanding too (about private practice) - my wife has been researching private practices in and around Perth and certainly plans to contact them directly a little further down the line, but she is keen to reach out to other UK-trained CPs who have made the move to hear a little bit about their personal experience of the process!


  2. Hi all, 

    My wife and I are currently planning a move to Oz, hopefully Perth and probably towards the end of next year. She is a UK-trained Clinical Psychologist and having been qualified for 10+ years is feeling apprehensive about the process she would need to go through to be able to practice out there.

    We have been considering the move for a while and already have a fairly good understanding of the AHPRA process in terms of Provisional Registration, doing 3 months of supervised practice, sitting the exam and then, after securing General Registration applying for the endorsement to practice as a Clinical Psychologist. 

    She qualified 10 years ago and is confident that she could get through it, but it feels like a bit of a mountain and it would be really helpful to hear from any UK-trained Clinical Psychologists that have made the move in the last few years and have either already completed the AHPRA process or are in the process of doing so. 

    She/we have a few specific questions, particularly around the process, documentation, securing a placement etc. but she is also equally keen to understand what it is like working out there having worked in the NHS, as there are obviously differences between the two countries in terms of mental health provision. 

    If anyone with experience of this would be happy to answer some questions and/or offer some advice we would be delighted to hear from you! 

    Many thanks,
    Katie and Gary

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