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Posts posted by Unsurebutalwaysdiscussing

  1. Thanks for all your replies. I think a trial may be a good option before taking the plunge. I also think being in UK in winter may make a decision for me and the children. It’s a really tough one isn’t it? I am worried we would do it and regret it so definitely know to be careful. I just wish I had a glass ball sometimes!!!

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  2. On 31/08/2021 at 14:52, TheBs said:

    Thank you everyone, I can see it is still quite a split opinion. 

    I'm not from a big city and for me any kind of concert day out is an overnight stay.

    I'm from a quiet coastal town, where the pubs still shut at 11pm, so by the sounds of it I think the lack of hustle and bustle won't be an issue, we love the beach and bike rides, and country walks, doesn't need to hilly.

    Theres drug issues everywhere in the world I suppose, though meth isn't an issue in the UK I don't think 🤔 it's more cocaine.

    In my area there is a big issue with child trafficking and gangs using children as drug mules, there's no job prospects being a seaside town, unless you're prepared to commute, you're waiting for the next person to retire to fill their shoes.

    I guess we won't know till we're there, but with two kids in tow, you just want it to be right, not necessarily perfect but right enough, to warrant leaving the UK, and not up-haul again to go to a different state.

    My family live in Joondalup, obviously they love it and have been there 20+ years, so I just wondered what an "outsiders" perspective was. 

    Wouldn’t you consider another city or town in the UK prior to moving to Australia?

  3. Hi,

    I met my partner who is pretty much Aussie in the UK. He grew up in different countries of the world and has a head for Australia but heart for the UK I think is safe to say.

    I always wanted to have a stint outside the UK and didn’t know where I wanted to be but wanted adventure. I remember working in the UK and looking out the window thinking ‘is this it?’

    My MILs family are all based in London and my FILs family are mainly based in Australia. 

    Ive been in Perth WA for nearly six years now😮. I have Australian citizenship and so do my kids. My children were born here and it’s really all they’ve known. We’re very close to my in laws but I sometimes feel I don’t have much of a say because it’s simply just not my family and all families are different. Whilst we often have times of ups and downs as is normal I love them very much. The same can be said for my own family all based in the UK.

    I bloody love Perth for my young children. The parks are fantastic and safe and some of them are down right beautiful. I love the lifestyle that we have here. I’ve lost 17kg and kept it off. I’m healthier. I make better decisions for food and exercise and even alcohol consumption and think this has been excellent for me and my health. Australia’s bumped my life ten years ahead financially. We have bought a house that has made profit and we are in a good financial position. Australia has enabled me to not have to work but to raise my kids and we live on one salary. Although we’re fairly frugal we have a good life. My husband finishes work every day around 230. We go on family walks together with our two dogs and I have made a couple of lovely friends here. One of my friends have also just moved here as a returning Australian family so we have that connection. 


    coronavirus has made things difficult. I’m one in millions of people who want to see my family in the UK. My daughter has never met my mother. My mother is getting older every day and my father had a kidney transplant that whilst life changing won’t last forever. My parents and brother and sister simply do not know my children. That hurts my soul. So I’m stuck in a mental jam between bit really being done with Australia because of friends and family here but being torn to wanting my family so very much. Being jealous that my partners family know my kids so well whilst mine don’t. Not wanting our work life balance disrupting. Not wanting to sell a house to not be able to buy in the UK. I also think I will eventually get bored of Perth and think it would be be great for an introvert teenager but taking my kids from their beloved grandparents would be so painful too. My partner is happy to move if it’s what I want but I don’t really know what I want and every list I make basically says the financial tie wins because it’s less stressful for us. I also don’t want to move to spend less time with my husband and I would definitely have to find full time employment. Something is missing for me in Australia. It’s been said before that it’s history and what I recognize as growing up with in the UK as to what I’m showing my kids here that’s just alien.

    help me I’m confused! 

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