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Posts posted by suzybingo

  1. 11 hours ago, Raul Senise said:

    It would be very unusual for the 400 visa to be granted if no travel exemption was in place.

    If he does not have an approved travel exemption, he will not be allowed to board the plane.

    So does this mean then that if the 400 visa has been approved he already has an individual exemption? Presumably his employer would have applied for one when doing the visa for him?

  2. Hello all,

    My partner has acquired a temporary visa (400) to work short term in Australia and is flying out in two weeks.

    However, I noticed when reading online about the relevant PCR tests etc that in order to fly one required BOTH a visa and an individual exemption and I don't believe this was mentioned in the documentation he has received. Or at least it hasn't been highlighted as a separate item.

    Panicking slightly in case he can't fly. I did see something on line that stated that visas aren't being granted without individual exemptions so does this mean he already has one, it's just not a separate document?

    We have tried to contact his employer but unfortunately his contact is out of office until Monday and would just like something in the meantime to put our minds at rest!


    Thank you in advance for any replies.

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