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Posts posted by Vanie

  1. On 13/07/2021 at 16:00, rammygirl said:

    How old are they? They must be dependent on you, normally they should have been included on the partner visa, but again they could be too old now. 

    H thx fyi, they are 21 yo and 19 yo, i've read in immi website they said maximum under 25 yo and full study, 

  2. Hi, 

    I need some information about child visa 101 (offshore).

    I’d like to apply child visa 101 for my children over 18 yo. 

    I'm Indonesian and my husband is Australian. We're lived in Australia.

    At this moment I hold a temporary partner visa (309), I’ve applied my PR (100)  in June 2021.

    My question are:

    1.  Can I apply for a child visa 101 at this moment, or I have to wait until my PR visa is granted?

    2.  If the answer is i have to wait for my PR is granted first, can my husband be a sponsor anymore (for my children visa)?

    3.  If the answer is I can apply for a child visa right now,  the sponsor is must be my husband?



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