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Posts posted by Undecided99

  1. Thanks everyone for sharing. One of the main drivers for thinking of returning after 20 years is my elderly parents (81 and 78). It's tough as they don't want that to be the main driver,  but with no other siblings in Oz, I do feel a lot of guilt about the distance (especially with covid) and even if the decision is not the best for my (Aussie) husband and own kids (who are 12 and 14 and very settled here) I'm not sure I can put up with the guilt of not being able to do more for elderly parents so far away. it's very tricky. I'm hoping everyone will settle in ok...

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  2. I feel for you as I am struggling with the decision whether to move back to One of Oz’s smaller cities after 20 years in the UK. My kids are 15 and 12 and we are all Aussie citizens but I worry about pulling them out of top selective schools here and giving up my and DH’s careers in fields that are less likely to lead to jobs for us in Oz so will be a big step back in career.  I spend a lot of time thinking about where will the kids be happier as adults and have better careers themselves, here or Oz. I think they’re more likely to move away to the bigger east coast cities in Oz from our home city when they graduate, but maybe are more likely to stay in London if we continue to live here, but who knows!? I may end up also with one on each side of the world. 

    Am juggling trying to work out what is best for me/DH/my kids/my elderly parents who are in Oz. These are challenging enough issues when you are in one country but on different continents plus Covid is very challenging indeed!

    Good luck! 

  3. Thanks everyone for your advice. This is such a wonderful forum of helpful people!

    I also wonder does anyone have recent experience of children doing both A levels and the Australian Year 11/12 (eg siblings etc) and is one much more stressful than the other, or are both pretty similar. I am lucky my kids are diligent and hard working at school but I hear A levels are much more stressful and I don't know if that is true or not. Thanks again. 


  4. Thanks Marisa, good points. And thank you for earlier sharing your experiences regarding flying back to see ill parents in such difficult circumstances. It must have been a very sad time. My husband’s father also passed away abroad and husband could not make it back in time. Sadly with scattered families it is a common story these days. 

  5. Good points. Thank you. Can anyone comment about the economic climate in Adelaide for graduates? This is the other key concern, that they will need to move interstate anyway for rewarding careers - aside from me and my husband also ending up unemployed when we move. 😊 I’m not sure the economy in Adelaide is on an upward trajectory unless you work in certain specific professions in Adelaide like aged care/ health. So maybe they have better prospects in the UK. 

    So many things to consider! 

  6. Does anyone know of any families where they moved to Oz for a child to start University there? So after A levels. It’s quite a different experience in Adelaide as most kids live at home for Uni. I’m not sure what is better, kids moving away at 18 to go to Uni in UK or having the supportive home environment while attending Uni in Adelaide. Any thoughts very welcome. 

  7. Hi, I am considering moving back to Adelaide. I’m in my late 40s as is husband and we have kids aged 14 and 12. I grew up there. Have lived in UK well over 20 years and have good jobs, nice house and kids are very happy in good schools. Main driver is elderly parents in Adelaide aged late 70s,  one of whom is very frail. They are both  managing ok at home for now but decline is inevitable over coming years. We have citizenship there so that’s not a problem but have been told by recruiters that job prospects for us in Adelaide at our age are grim ( law and finance).

    Not sure how demoralising it will be to be there if we can’t  get jobs even though would love to be there to care for my parents ( they have no close family in Oz but do have a small support network of neighbours).

    I can see the days are going to approach where I will want to fly to see them to help care for them a couple of months, a couple of times each year but have 2 weeks hotel quarantine to contend with each time and will be leaving my kids and husband behind in UK. 

    Also has anyone moved with kids joining year 8 and 10 and how was it? Mine are worried will be teased due to accents etc but hopefully that’s not the case. If don’t move now maybe next chance is when one child finishes A levels and goes eg to Adelaide Uni and younger child would be Year 10 in Adelaide but that may be tougher to persuade kids then. Also they will probably be desperate to return to London at that point as soon as Uni over but we the parents would probably not move again at that point.

    Just don’t know if I can I stay in UK and organise good care for parents remotely? I have organised ACAT assessments for them through the Aust government health services already in case the need emergency care. But not the same as being there on hand sadly even though dad is good with Skype.

    I’m hoping if anyone has had similar experiences you may be able to offer some advice. Thank you so much. 

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