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Posts posted by kaakhai18

  1. On 16/09/2019 at 08:24, james14 said:

    Thanks. I've asked the shipper to confirm where tax will be expected across our inventory. I'll share the response, hopefully it'll be helpful to others. 

    We have decided to take the range cooker and fridge/freezer, but not other goods like washing machine, dishwasher and fancy microwave etc. Bit of a compromise and with luck it'll be worthwhile on balance. We expect the range will be stored for some time, but the fridge more likely to see use. In the coming 1-2m I'll write back to inform others on whether we found it worthwhile or simply an expense. Prompt me if I forget...

    Hi James14,


    I am in a similar situation and would like your views please.

    so we have got our visa and are. Ow planning our big move. I’m contemplating taking the American fridge freezer as it is quite new yet couple years old and was expensive to just leave behind. 
    did you move with yours eventually? How did you find it? 
    also if I could kindly request for removal company you used. This will help me a great deal.

    Thank you,


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