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Posts posted by Member2021

  1. I think I would also be cynical if this wasn't happening to me. I wish it was too far fetched and I had received a notification then I would know how to proceed from here.

    Everything was all genuine, true and correct. I've had been with my partner for 6 years prior to application and have never committed a crime.

    As I said before just seeing if this is an extremely unlucky case for me or has anyone been having issues, particularly returning due to during the COVID restrictions in place. 

    Thanks for your sympathy - this truly is an unexpected nightmare that I'm hoping will be over soon.

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  2. Hi Paul, I appreciate your help. I will definitely be doing that.

    Do you have any suggestions on a good immigration lawyer or agent that has experience with this matter?


    I wanted to see if anyone has been through a similar experience that can shed some light in the matter. I also thought it may serve to waiting on the notification to engage some professional help.

  3. I was told at check-in before my flight. After having 3 flights cancelled, we finally got a flight on Sunday 21st March. When I attended the airport, they had to check my visa as the hostess wasn't sure if an 801 is the same as a resident visa (which is it based on the Visa Documentations I received when it was first granted). 

    She called boarder control and was told that my visa had been cancelled in January. When I check my visa status on VEVO it states that I do not have a current Australian Visa. However, I have logged onto Immi and the lastest notification on there is my Visa Grant paperwork. 

    The Global number for visa enquiries can only tell me that my visa was cancelled in January but can't tell me the reason. They have asked that someone get in touch with me with a notification.

  4. Hello, my 801 Visa was cancelled while I was out of the country with no notice after I was granted the visa in early 2018. 

    I have been trying to get the notification of the cancellation with no help from DFAT. Can anyone recommend the best was I can go to find this so I can proceed with a review process and possibly engage an immigration lawyer. 

    My circumstances have not changed since the visa was issue nor have I been convicted or committed a crime since I was granted or ever before. I have read up on grounds for cancellation and can't seem to see why unless I have violated a visa condition that I don't know about - but seems unlikely. 

    Has anyone been through this process or has had this occur to them?

    Many thanks for your help

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