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Posts posted by Andypandy09

  1. Thanks Jon the Hat. I thought something similar between 2.2 to 2.5, hence why I was a bit hesitant with the current offer. 

    In terms of relocation, flights are included and some accommodation, but it was more the salary I was concerned about. As I was more determined to work out cost of living.

  2. Hi all,

    I am pondering transferring from London to Sydney with my work and wanted to know what my salary equivalent would be. I currently earn 70,000 pounds plus 15 percent bonus, and my work want to offer me 130,000 plus 15 percent bonus, not including superannuation. Is this the equivalent in terms of cost of living and obviously not the exchange rate? After speaking with some individuals I don't believe it is - I may be getting *screwed* over. 

    Your thoughts are appreciated.


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