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Posts posted by BradHowellNZ

  1. Yes we have had some advise from a couple of specialists here.


    We would be going to NZ first for at least 6 months (november this year) and then looking to enter Aus from NZ.


    From what I can see, and have been told - if we apply for the 461 onshore, then a bridging visa is able to be granted which entitles the person to the exact same rights to the visa being applied for (in this case, right to work and live etc)

    Is this not the case from what you understand?


    Indeed, very intricate and we will be making sure we seek professional advice before any decision is made - just thought I would put it out to the forum



  2. Hi all,


    Am just reaching out for a little bit of advise if at all possible!


    Basically, myself (New Zealand Born, passport holder and citizen) and my partner (who is a UK citizen) are looking at moving to Australia in about a year to 18 months. 


    We are looking at the 461 visa - however the processing times look insane (34 - 40 Months) which would mean that if we applied outside of Australia we could be waiting a very long time to get the go ahead.

    The other idea that popped in to my head was to travel to Australia - I would get the SCV visa as a New Zealand Citizen and my partner would get a holiday visa (Im assuming) then apply for the 461 once we are within Australia, so as to gain work right etc for my partner whilst we await the visa.

    The only issue I see is if we do this, she will need a bridging visa (apply for BVA, then BVB which will let her travel if need be) - one concern surrounding this is the fact it states you MUST be in the country when your visa is successful, so what happens if she is visiting family back in UK or has to leave due to an emergency and the visa gets granted whilst she is away?

    Mind is completely boggled at this stage and we really dont know whether to apply for this now and hope that it comes back within a year, or wait and apply from within Aus.


    Thanks in advance




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