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Posts posted by Meloorin

  1. 6 hours ago, AFGrambo said:

    Morning All 🙂 

    My partners visa got granted on 29th of September alhumdurallah (22 months)

    I booked tickets to Melbourne  in November (there's a chance the restrictions might ease by 24th of oct)

    my only advice is to pray and always upload good docs and inshallah the dark tunnel will be near to end!

    I am waiting 23 months for my partner visa no response from Duabi office. Have you tried to contact Dubai office at all ??

  2. 3 hours ago, AFGrambo said:

    my first interview was march (they called my partner)  and recent interview was last week Monday (they called me). yeah its a long wait iv been waiting for 23 months so I'm sure you'd hear good news. make sure your uploading docs at least every month!

    Thank you bro, May I know your WhatsApp number or Facebook ID mine is (0093766655868) I want to ask a couple of questions you have passed a step you have more experience than me I am a bit stressed 

    Thank you in advance 

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