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Posts posted by Karra91

  1. Hi, my partner and I have decided we would like to relocate to Perth once I have qualified as an RN. I have recently came off maternity and due to recommence my 3rd year in September, therefore should be qualified come June 2021. I understand you are expected to have at least 1 years experience as qualified within your field of nursing before applying for a visa, so I'd be looking to send off my letter of interest around about July 2022 with hope of being invited to apply for a 189 visa.

    My main question is how successful have people been in being accepted for this and how have they found the whole experience of applying? 

    After quite a bit of research it seems quite a difficult process. My understanding is you must right a letter of interest and wait for an invite. Then do a skills test and an English test, then finally when you have this evidence you can apply for the visa but must have at least 70 points (although they state 65) to be considered, is that right? And also at which point do you apply to AHPRA to transfer your registration? 

    As you can imagine we are all very excited at the idea but also want to have a clear understanding of just what we have to do in order to make this dream happen. 😊 


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