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Posts posted by Harrimad13

  1. I haven’t visited this forum for some time as it has a reputation for being quite negative in peoples responses to questions, I don’t want to offend anyone but I could do without negativity right now. 

    Me and my partner have found ourselves back in Australia as visitors with exemptions as we sadly lost his Dad in sudden and tragic circumstances. 
    I’m not sure if we would like to live here permanently but we had considered it before and agents said we would have to do a 491 visa but my partner couldn’t get the English test scores and we gave up after a couple of goes and bought a second house in the Uk, but being back here obviously gets you thinking. 
    My partners last resident return visa expired in 2004. He was granted a RRV in 2006 but we can’t work out if he ever activated it as he and the family have been back and forth so many times over the years. 

    For the last six years his entire family have lived in Australia and they all have PR. 
    With the recent loss it does get you thinking whether or not he would be successful in getting his RRV and where would this leave me? 

    Can you attach a partner to a RRV? From what I can tell No? 

    Just curious really.

    The federal and state gov have been incredibly supportive and helpful in getting the exemption to travel I was really very surprised! 


  2. 1 minute ago, Harrimad13 said:

    No it's not that it isn't an option for Welfare officer it's just my partners skill is stronger due to the years of experience. 

    Oh wait sorry you mean resident return. 

    It is an option for my partner but it's not going to help me. We would probably have to live apart whilst I wait for a partner visa ect. Or I would be unable to work whilst on a bridging visa .. it's just not for us.

  3. 1 minute ago, Helenred said:

    Great, thank you. Do the DUC want an initial fee?

    Good Luck!

    I spoke with Wes and he seemed to want to be sure that we were eligible before we signed up. He gave a lot of advice so we could make an informed decision. 

    It's worth a chat with him for sure! 

  4. We are going to go for a skilled visa under my partners skill (vehicle painter) purely because he has 24 years experience. 

    It would seem as long as you have 2 years experience post qualification or 5 years experience without a qualification you should be able to do it? 

    Definitely speak to an agent. We have gone with the Down Under Centre 👍

  5. Various people have mentioned to me that as a Probation officer there is a chance I could apply for a skilled visa under the welfare Worker umbrella. 

    I can see no way of doing this online, I find alot of the information on the main website confusing and unhelpful. 

    My partner's family all like in QLD and he has had permeant residency in the past which has since expired but from what we can see it should not be too difficult to renew. Our main option would seem to be a spousal visa but it looks as though my partner would have to return to Australia within 12 months of his resident return being approved, leaving me behind for up to 2 years or more whilst I wait for my spousal visa? 

    Is that right? Has anyone else had this experience? 

    We have been together 5 hears, have a mortgage ect 


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