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Liam Q

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Posts posted by Liam Q

  1. Hey guys so seeing if anyone could give me some answers if possible.  

    So my 820 partner visa has broken down and no longer in a relationship.  I have spoken to a immigration lawyer and she told me to do the following , my son's birth certificate,  UK police certificate and Australian Police certificate , a statutory declaration from my ex partner with all details on and also a parental plan going forward.  I have sent them to immigrating by a partner visa email with all attachments and information to be very clear I will be part of my son's life,  I also did the online form of 1022 of notifications of changes of circumstances in relationship . Has anyone gone down this avenue before? 


    I'm just seeing what happens next and when immigration will get in touch with me and what happens from here 

  2. 3 hours ago, Susan from Moneycorp said:


    With the amount of life-experience, professionalism and family members from all around the globe here on PIO, I'm confident there will be new friends who will be happy to do anything they can to guide you. No one wants to see friends suffer - and suffer unnecessarily.
    My wise neighbour always tells me, "Good things happen to Good people".  I'm sure there is a lot of good coming your way 🙂

    Just hang in there. It's torturous I know, but please stay the course.

    Can you tell me which area you're based in?


    I'm based in Wollongong 

  3. 3 hours ago, Susan from Moneycorp said:

    I'm heartened that you've reached out to this trusted Forum, Liam.

    I'm sure there will be people hearing your story who want to guide you to the professionals who can get you the right answers as quickly as possible.
    I will check in too to see how I can help.

    You're doing the right thing - and you're not alone. 

    Thanks so much Susan for your lovely words   as much help would be appreciated 

    • Like 1
  4. Hi I'm seeing if someone can help me . In 2019 i met my partner from being housemates on a working holiday visa from the UK, we had a baby together and was on a 820 partner visa which cost 10,000 dollars ,plus medical testing.

    She has a 4 year old with her ex partner and with me starting of as housemates with her , let's just say I didn't like the lifestyle and the people and things she was bringing him round on a daily basis.

    Long story short but for 16 months long This women has been horrendous to myself and hurt me ridiculously and now also my son, I put all my eggs in 1 basket for this girl and changed my whole life for her and her son, i have no friends here , no family or nobody here for me and this girl has walked all over me.

    I have had to speak to certain lawyers to fight to stay to live in this country with my own son and to get certain documents to fight to get residency here 
    She has a very clear drinking problem which she is in total denial of , she was drinking throughout her pregnancy and since my baby has been born been drinking too consistently, as said above I don't want to be in a situation where she is bringing my son around certain people and a lifestyle that I have witnessed myself with her 4 year old son.

    One day I was at work and had the babys car seat and pram in my car and she made a total lie up of saying she had a drink with one of the women living down our street , I knocked on this women's door and it was a total lie , this women driven with no baby seat so this alone proves she has a drinking problem, she also has her car licence disqualified due to drink driving. 

    Over the 16 months I have written documentwtion of everything that has gone on in our relationship from May 2019 to September 2020 to this day .

    I am seeing what rights I have and what pathway I go down to look after my son . I am a good father , I am hardworking, I don't drink, I don't smoke , I don't do drugs . I want the best for my son and I don't want to go a singlSearch
  5. I have spoken with illawarra legal aid and a lawyer called ann woods . She says to me because my son was born here he is a Australian citizen , she also stated that as his father my name is on the birth certificate also I did a DNA test too just to add on to show I am the father .


    She says do a Australian federal police check certificate and with being from the UK a police check.  If I prove these 2 checks with no criminal records and my birth certificate this would give me automatic residency 

    • Like 1
  6. Hi Guys,

    I'm seeing what rights I may have with being from the UK on a bridging visa for a partner visa (820) to live in Australia full time , relationship has broken down due to no fault of my own apart from my partners and we have a baby together. 

    I want to be able to live here with my son and seeing what rights and where do I go from here .

    As much help as possible would be great

  7. I've spoken to a migration consultant and we registered our relationship last October and my working holiday visa expired in February.  By registering your relationship that waivers and helps the factor of nor being in a 12 month relationship. 

    Just so everyone knows also our baby was not planned it shocked us both up when we found out the news . There has been people apparently got there visa approves with 3 to 6 months time only so I'm feeling preety confident,  I've done everything i can and I've basically been very truthful about everything so can't do much more than that. 

    • Like 1
  8. Not married no but have registered our relationship., he calls me dad he is like a son to me and massive factor in my life and so am I in his life.  I'm just trying to get to the bottom of everything I've mentioned in my above post but kinda feels like im getting no answers 

  9. I was on my second working holiday visa , I applied for the partner visa on 26th December last year but working holiday visa expired 19th of February. Been on my bridging visa since the 20th . 


    By the time my visa expired it was 10 months as we met last May,  like I say came a long way since that moment , 2 homes together,  step dad to a 4 year old boy of hers to and our own baby due in August.  I just want to know it will be okay with my situation 

  10. We started of as housemates and like I say at the time of meeting to the time of my working holiday visa expiring it worked out to be 9 months,  but obviously since then when it expired there is evidence from that expiry date to now . I just don't know what more I can do . Surely can't put me in a situation to leave my own flesh and blood my son

  11. Hi everyone 

    I'm seeing if someone can help me. I've been in Australia from the UK since February 2018 on 2 working holiday visas. On my second one I met my current partner,  we are in our second rental home together,  she already has a 4 year old who I'm a step dad to , she is also pregnant with our son who is due in August this year . My second working holiday visa expired on the 19th of February 2020 and on the 26th December 19 I sent of my 820 partner visa and currently on the bridging visa for that . In the space of 12 months we have come a long way and so much genuine but by the time my working holiday visa expired it was only 9 months able to prove not 12 . We expressed how genuine and legitimate our relationship is and doing everything i can,also registered our relationship too. 


    I just don't want to be in a position to have my son to be born and have to leave him because I will be absolutely heartbroken and each day it's always on my mind and worry . Can someone please give me any help , I just want everything to be okay 

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