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Posts posted by Kavi09

  1. Hi Jessica 

    Thank you for the above response that's very good to know. At the moment we might be looking to go either Adelaide or Perth. We are considering Perth as well, so if you have any advise on how to go about getting an administrator job in Perth and how long that may take then that would also be a great help. 

  2. Hello I am looking to find out about the timescale in which I may be able to secure an administrator job in Adelaide once having move there? Me and my husband have a permanent residence visa. This will be my first job in Australia however I have worked in many administrative positions in the UK where I am currently living. Any sort of guidance and support will be greatly appreciated. 

  3. I have a bachelors and a masters degree from the UK. I mean early years teaching and I am looking to find out more about the career itself and what the masters full time teaching courses are like. 

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