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Posts posted by YorkshireChippy

  1. Guys really helpful replies, particularly about my boy. I agree with getting him on the PRV regardless of cost and make sure we get out here as a family unit, I actually made a point of saying to both my eldest get out there as a family unit then both can do what they want once we have status (we are aware of my wife’s age and we need a decent turn around on visas/process)

    Im fortunate in the uk my business doing well and we are continuing to work through Covid so not financially eating into any savings (yet), application might have fallen off a cliff so now might be the perfect time... just a thought!!

    I often keep a check on indeed/rental market and weigh up income/expenditure likely hood on arrival and hopefully my wife would not need to rush into a job either so she can pick and choose or consider a small start up. My cousins husband who we stayed with also runs a successful cabinet making business so there is potential for me to do something on the install side for him (however there was a lot of barbecue talk with a lot of people, however well intentioned haha). 

    I would say our possible only draw back then is been deadset on Queensland/Brisbane however there was a lot of work going on and still developing/developments taking place. Corona is a slight concern that we don’t recover as quickly but I think uk/Aus do most things at the same pace!

  2. Evening all, I’ve dipped in and out of forums google searches about emigrating to Aus for the last year. I thought that because I had a trade it would be a doddle if we made the decision to move. Everyday I fear my chances are actually quite slim and it’s more complex than I thought with LOTS of mitigating factors. Before we approach a agent I’m going to get your thoughts on my own circumstance instead of trying to pick out bits of a thousand threads.

    personal: age 33, trade, wife age 40

    Positives; 5 week holiday Xmas 2019, started sunny Coast, Gold Coast, couple days Sydney Brisbane for Xmas with “cousin brothers” long lost aunties etc etc. WE WANT TO MOVE.
    8 years trade experience as carpenter, nvq level 2/3/4

    neuteral; have enough money to move, give or take of the roundabout 30-40k figure touted to be comfortable, would prefer Queensland as we have family/friends there, two daughters 14 and 3 who loved it, step son 19 at uni starts 2nd year in September (to be a teacher and do pgce at somepoint) unsure wether he should be on the PR visa or do student visa/working holiday visa worry about him further down line to reduce costs/make his own way etc not restrict him he wants to travel, work abroad in other countries (thoughts/ideas on this welcome)

    negatives; in doubt now if we are risking a comfortable ish life to chase something unrealistic, (reading too many negatives and I’m having doubts about the process) I don’t want to be down about it before we’ve even begun!! Some minor misdemeanours in my younger days; charged with GBH (plead and found not guilty in court) possession of cocaine, dishonourable discharge from army (circumstances after Iraq however still hangs over me, never for career progress in civvy street or life but just personally) some of the forms I’ve seen go quite deep into personal details so thought best be honest on here. Not a stop of trouble for 10+years in anyway, Regularly get dbs clearance for coaching junior football teams and working in schools etc so no issues there I guess?

    sorry long winded but and help appreciated, particularly how you found the process, timelines, does and donts before we chuck a sizeable lump of money at this 


    regards and thanks in advance 


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