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Posts posted by Aggy

  1. Hi all,

    After a little advice, been here in Aus just over 5 years now and have my sponsored visa.

    I am looking at bring my tools and tool box over now from the UK it’s sat in my parents garage, I am a mechanic by trade.

    I originally came over on a HWV and then got a job at a race team which supply all tools which meant I didn’t need to bring anything over (also couldn’t afford it and wasn’t sure if I was staying at the time) I then got sponsored by them so was with them for the past 5 years.

    I have recently left and moved into a role which requires for me to have tools.

    Was wondering if anyone knew the cost of shipping tools over and if I have to pay duty on them? They are mostly snap-on which I know are expensive here. So I I do ship them would it be more expensive than just buying new over here and not buying snap-on and going for something cheaper.

    Hope the long winded post makes sense lol!


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