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Posts posted by Perth77

  1. 1 hour ago, Leticia said:

    Hi we applied on 12/2017... you might have to wait a little be more. Because ours just call now.

    they asked end of February financial documents.. and then yesterday they booked a hearing for next two weeks 

    That mean it will take around 26 to 28 month ..

  2. 2 hours ago, Leticia said:

    Hey Parry

    applied 12/2017

    Retail manager position 


    Hey leticia 

    i also applied AAT from WA in April last 

    position - restaurant manager 

    can u plz tell me when they ask u for further documents.. ????  
    It’s already going to 24 months within 2 weeks .. it will give me some hope that how many months  I have to w8 more

  3. 10 hours ago, MoolaMantra said:


    I have lodged an appeal for both my 186 nomination and visa refusal in September 2018, and still waiting to hear from the AAT.(I am in Perth).

    Anybody in the same situation? We have been waiting for 17 months so far, we have a 3 yo daughter and as you know, it's so hard to live like this, without being able to plan anything.

    I have heard so many stories, and it seems that the majority of these appeals are successful, which is a good news (if you don't focus on the epic waiting times....).

    I have been seen a lawyer, who suggest to submit all the documents to the AAT before they will get in contact, to see if they can make a decision faster and on paper (no hearing). Anybody has any experience like that?

    Any suggestion or comment would be appreciated and good luck to all of you!


    what’s ur refusal reason ??i also  from Perth... w8ting from last 22 months almost 

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