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Posts posted by TTWCHAN

  1. Hi All, 

    Not sure how active people are on here as this post is quite  old . 

    I am planning to go to Perth on a spouse visa in 2021 and will plan on staying there for few years. 

    I just started looking into what's like to work in Australia and the process of getting register there. 

    I am currently hospital pharmacist in London and had 9 years of experience and currently working in the Bone Marrow Transplant setting. 

    Its has been incredibly difficult to find first hand experience online about the transition from UK to Australia. 

    Few questions 

    1 with regards to the supervised period, if entering through stream B, is there a standard length of period? I understand that you can apply for a shorted one if that's correct?

    Who would decide the length and how it is decided?

    2  How do you go about looking for jobs in hospital?  Do they employ centrally or by individual hospital? How do you go about applying for supervised period?

    3 I have seen a lot of comments about how bad the pay is and there is oversupply of pharmacists many years ago. Is it still the same? does it affect pharmacist of all sector?What are the pay like for a equivalent band 8a role in hospital in Australia?

    I would be very grateful if anyone can shed some light on this. 


    Many Thanks 


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