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Posts posted by Bundijan

  1. I am a 69 year old widow, have lived in Australia for 20 years.  Born in Uk, remarried to an English man and decided to begin our new life here in Queensland.

    Have enjoyed life here and made several friends, but I always felt I did not belong ,to me England was always home. 
    Now am alone,  no family here,  a married daughter living in New Zealand and a sister still living in England.  
    I long to return home, but worry if I will be able to find a house to rent, and how much pension I will be entitled to . Also will I have to pay council tax and how much.

    i have  been doing my sums and by selling everything I own , including my car I will have enough to pay my air fare back to Uk, plus the cost of  bringing my small dog.

    i should have about 5000 pounds when i arrive. My sister with her husband live on a boat in Falmouth Cornwall so will have no room for me,  but hopefully I will find somewhere to live , England Wales or Scotland!  
    I would be grateful for any advise. 



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