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Posts posted by AussieMike

  1. Hi all I am a first timer to this forum , after some advice on the best way I can get a UK passport . Just a brief history about me , landed in OZ in 1964 , yes 10 pound Pom . Currently I am trying to get Citizenship, yes I know why wait so long , well didn’t really fell it was that important because I thought I was Australian.So anyway I have now been waiting almost two years for my application to be processed and want to get a passport to travel overseas.

    l thought a UK Passport would be an option as I understood I was still a UK citizen , so I tried the online application of the UK Passport send all the documents but when it came time to pay the fee it just stopped the application I think it had something to do with I was paying with Aussie dollars.

    Has anyone else had this issue? So I got in touch with the UK consulate in Brisbane and apparently the only way to get this passport is online 

    If anyone has a solution it would be appreciated. I guess the ideal solution would have been to get Australian Citizenship much early 


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