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Lynn Ferguson

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Posts posted by Lynn Ferguson

  1. On 22/07/2019 at 16:49, CameronsDad said:

    One of my first thoughts was "I need to buy an umbrella!".

    Genuinely it was a mixed feeling. We would happily have stayed in Australia if returning to the UK wasn't an option, and we were so upset leaving friends and family there (my wife is Australian). There was still a raw feeling of departure when we landed in Glasgow. Gradually, over the next few days when the sun shone a bit and the lush, beautiful, green landscape appeared out of the jet lag haze, the butterflies in the belly were hard to contain.

    It is a very lucky (and maybes also a bit unlucky) situation to be in, having two places that you feel at home. I have to say, though, Glasgow is definitely No 1 Home.

    I think you express how I anticipate feeling should myself and partner return.

    There is a possibility my husband may be offered worked back in the uk (I would need to remain in Oz for the time being).

    Both our kids would remain as the youngest (18 year old) is moving interstate to study and the oldest (22 year old) is finishing post grad study and will most likely moved interstate for work. So we would be without them wherever we are.

    However I’m very conflicted about how I feel about a possible return for us both.

  2. On 02/08/2019 at 17:46, thinker78 said:

    It's hard to believe that this weekend is my 4 year anniversary of being home. This will probably be my last post as I rarely come on here now. The door to Oz is well and truly shut and I don't even peak around it anymore.

    Any regrets? No. Has it been easy? Not always- but is life always easy? Does the UK grate? Sometimes - we live in a busy, overpopulated area and I can't really afford to be here. British politics - what a time to return - you couldn't make up what we're living through. 

    But what have we gained? Belonging. Memories. Experiences. Laughter. Connection. Inspiration. Appreciation. Opportunity. Friends. Family. 

    I never consider that Australia is something we'll regret leaving, but occasionally I miss the sunshine. Only occasionally, because after the recent hot spell in the UK I remembered just how hideous it was dealing with 35+ days for months on end. 

    So that's it really. Home is still home. Always will be. Peace is worth more than a dream...

    Best of luck all x



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