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Posts posted by kejbi

  1. Hello, 

    I am writing to ask for advice with my current visa situation.

    I just recently got my PR on a 187 visa. It was in May 2019 and the following month I travelled to my country to see my family. While there, 2 days before I supposed to return to Australia I had quiet serious motorbike accident. The docotr said it is going to take a while to recover around 4months and after rehabilitation I won't be able to work physically in my profession. I supposed to work with my current employer for the next 2 years. I have been in Australia for five years and I don't want to loose my visa. Should I write to Immigration with what happend? Are they going to cancel my visa?


    Thanks for any comments and opinions

  2. Hello, 

    I am writing to ask for advice with my current visa situation.

    I just recently got my PR on a 187 visa. It was in May 2019 and the following month I travelled to my country to see my family. While there, 2 days before I supposed to return to Australia I had quiet serious motorbike accident. The docotr said it is going to take a while to recover around 4months and after rehabilitation I won't be able to work physically in my profession. I supposed to work with my current employer for the next 2 years. I have been in Australia for five years and I don't want to loose my visa. Should I write to Immigration with what happend?


    Thanks for any comments and opinions.

  3. Hello, 

    I am writing to ask for advice with my current visa situation.

    I just recently got my PR on a 187 visa. It was in May 2019 and the following month I travelled to my country to see my family. While there, 2 days before I supposed to return to Australia I had quiet serious motorbike accident. T

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