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Posts posted by emma2104

  1. Hi!

    I had my test on Feb 11th and am still waiting for approval - has anyone been waiting longer? I'm seeing that lots of people are approved on the same day or within a few! Realise there is no one to contact as I am still within processing times... Would be assigned to Wollongong council if anyone has had a similar experience 🙂 

  2. Hi all,

    My parents were due to come to Australia in a few weeks and apply for the 864 visa onshore. 
    Just wondering whether it would be worth us applying for compassionate/compelling circumstances for them to still travel. I very much doubt it would be granted but interested to hear if anyone had tried and been successful. They are from the UK and have an existing multiple entry tourist visa that is still valid. They also have paid a deposit with a migration agent back in February which may help to support their case.


  3. Hi all,

    Am new to this forum but from a quick read I am already looking forward to hearing your ideas and advice :)

    I am a PR here and can apply for citizenship from Feb 2020. Myself and my husband are looking to move my parents over from the UK.  We are leaning towards the Contributory Aged Parent visa and my dad turns 66 next July (in line with the increase in retirement age here).  My mum will be 60 however we have been informed that she will have access to the same visa as she is his spouse.

    Just wondering about anyones current experiences with this visa?  My parents will need to sell-up and move to Oz to apply onshore (the money from the house sell will be needed to pay for the visa) It is a huge move and obviously comes with risks.

    My main concern is my parents falling ill inbetween applying for the visa and the medical being requested, ultimately leading to the visa being denied.  I have looked into the health waiver however if major treatment was needed it would exceed the $49,000 'limit'.  If my parents had private health care would this waive this condition? Or because the cost of this visa is so high, would they be covered for ALL treatment? 

    Also, if my dad was to pass away before the visa was granted, would my mum still be able to access it? 

    These options terrify me/us but they are all possibilities so we need to cover all bases - I have nightmares of having a parent sent back to England with nothing.  

    We have looked at other options however this visa seems (although v expensive) like the best option to get them here to stay permanently asap.  

    Does anyone have an update on current wait times?

    I hope this message does not sound overly dramatic but it is good to hear experiences.  We will probably go through a lawyer to have their added support too.

    Thanks so much!


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